Operating instructions

• MediaStation 6
22 Performing WLAN settings
1. First plug the enclosed “Wireless USB
adapter” into one of the USB ports on
the side.
2. Under the item “Network” in setup,
select the item “WLAN setup” and press
3. Now select the profi le “Connection1. Connection modes
Three connection modes are available:
nfrastruktur (AP): In this mode, network
devices such as the MediaStation 6 or
notebooks (also referred to as WLAN
clients) can be connected to a wireless
radio receiver (WLAN access point).
A hierarchical network structure is cre-
ated as a result. This infrastructure may,
among other things, comprise a DSL
router (which establishes the connection
to the internet) and a network printer or
NAS storage device for shared use. This
is the most common connection mode,
which we also recommend. Disadvan-
tage: You will need a dedicated radio
Peer to Peer (Ad Hoc): In this mode, a
direct connection between individual
devices is established – there is no cen-
tral management point. All participants
have equal rights. This mode is very
often used for WLAN parties, where
there is no wish for a fi xed infrastruc-
ture. We do not recommend this mode
because central control is not possible:
If communication fails, troubleshooting
is very dif cult. Advantage: No addi-
tional hardware is needed.
WPS (AP): This mode facilitates add-
ing new network devices to an existing
wireless network. There are two meth-
ods for achieving this:
PBC (Push Button): The WLAN access
point and the device to be connected
have a mechanical button or cor-
responding software function, which
initiates the connection. If this function
is activated, the WLAN client has two
minutes to establish a connection to the
PIN (Pin Code): Each WLAN client (in
our case the MediaStation 6) has a
multi-character code (PIN). This PIN
must be provided to the WLAN access
point (see the operating instructions for
the WLAN access point).
4. Now select the desired connection
mode – we recommend “Infrastructure
(AP)” – and confi rm with ENTER. Infrastructure (AP):
• First of all, you have to select a wire-
less network that you wish to use for the
connection with the MS6. You can do
this both automatically and manually
Automatically: Select the entry “Au-
tomatically” and confi rm with ENTER
in order to automatically search for
available wireless networks. After a
few seconds, a list of the available
networks will appear. Select the de-
sired network and press ENTER.
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