User's Manual

7. Select Transmitter/Receiver
Select transmitter on one of the
SmartRF05EB’s and receiver on the other
by navigating with the joystick. Confirm the
selection by pressing Button 1 on both
devices. The receiver is now ready to
receive packets.
8. Select Output Power
On the transmitter node, selection of TX
output power and burst size (number of
packets to send) is also needed. Select TX
output power by navigating the joystick,
either -4 dBm, 0 dBm or 4 dBm, and
confirm with Button 1.
9. Select Burst Size
Select burst size by navigating the joystick,
either 1000, 10K, 100K or 1M packets.
Confirm the selection with Button 1.
10. PER Test Transmitter
The transmitter is now configured for the
PER test. The PER test is started by
moving the joystick UP. The transmitter will
display the number of packets sent during
the PER test. The PER test is stopped by
moving the joystick UP again.
11. PER Test Receiver
The PER test receiver will display the total
PER (calculated based on the received
sequence numbers), and moving average
RSSI value on the display. It will also
display the number of packets received
during the PER test.
12. Download Your Own SW
In order to program the MSP430 MCU on
the CCMSP-EM430F2618 board the
MSP430 Debug Interface is needed.
Connect the MSP430 debug interface to
JTAG connector P12 on the CCMSP-
EM430F2618. Connect the debug interface
to the PC with a USB cable.
Use either MSP430 Flasher, CCS or IAR to
download your code.
13. SmartRF Studio
In order to use SmartRF Studio to control
the CC2520 radio, the CC2520EM should
be connected directly to the
SmartRF Studio can be downloaded from
14. Documentation
A comprehensive description of the
hardware included in the CC2520
development kit is found in the CC2520DK
User's Manual.
The PER tester and other software
examples are documented in the CC2520
Software Examples User's Guide. This
document also describes how to download
the application to the MSP430 on the
CCMSP-EM430F2618 board.
Kit website
The user manuals are found on the
CC2520DK website: