User's Manual

Important Notice for Users of this Product in Japan
This development kit is NOT certified as Confirming to Technical Regulations of Radio Law of Japan
If you use this product in Japan, you are required by Radio Law of Japan to follow the instructions below with respect to this
1. Use this product in a shielded room or any other test facility as defined in the notification #173 issued by Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications on March 28, 2006, based on Sub-section 1.1 of Article 6 of the Ministry’s Rule for
Enforcement of Radio Law of Japan,
2. Use this product only after you obtained the license of Test Radio Station as provided in Radio Law of Japan with respect
to this product, or
3. Use of this product only after you obtained the Technical Regulations Conformity Certification as provided in Radio Law
of Japan with respect to this product. Also, please do not transfer this product, unless you give the same notice above
to the transferee. Please note that if you could not follow the instructions above, you will be subject to penalties of
Radio Law of Japan.
Texas Instruments Japan Limited
(address) 24-1, Nishi-Shinjuku 6 chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
( 1 ) 電波法施行規則第 6 条第 1 項第 1 に基づく平成 18 3 28 日総務省告示第 173 号で定められた電波暗室等の試験設備
( 2 ) 実験局の免許を取得後ご使用いただく。
( 3 ) 技術基準適合証明を取得後ご使用いただく。