User Manual

Name ___________________________
Date ___________________________
© 2006 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED TI-30XS MultiView: A Guide For Teachers 19
2. What pattern do you see from your table? Using the information in your table, write a
formula (an algebraic expression) which describes the amount of money (M) depending
on the number of people (P) that buy a ticket to the show.
M = ___________________________
3. Check your formula using the data list editor (
v) on the TI-30XS MultiView™
a. In column L1, enter only the first three entries in the number of people (P) list from
the table above. (Enter {1, 2, 3}.)
b. Enter your formula from part 2 in L2. Be careful: to use the calculator, you have to
translate your variables (letters). The letter P is now L1 and M is L2.
Rewrite your formula here in terms of L1 and L2 so you can enter the formula in your
Your formula: M = _________________________
The calculator formula: L2 = ________________________
c. Check the numbers in L2 with the numbers in your table above. Do they match?
d. Enter more values from the number of people list from your table into L1. Check the
values in L2 against your table above. Do they match? Does your formula work?
4. Use the data editor on the calculator to find the amount of money (M) that the owners
will take in at the ticket office if the entire theater is filled during one showing with 7500
people (P). Write how you would find this answer by hand using your formula.
At the movies