User Manual

© 2006 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED TI-30XS MultiView: A Guide For Teachers 23
Rules for group play
Form groups of three to four students.
Assign one student to be the Ruler of the game.
The Ruler is in charge of the calculator for the game.
The Ruler picks an algebraic expression from a paper
bag (or any container) and keeps it hidden from the
other players, or the Ruler writes an algebraic
expression on a piece of paper for the game and gets
approval to use the expression from the teacher.
The Ruler enters the algebraic expression into o
and selects the Ask-
Note: The Ruler may have to delete each line in the
table before playing a new rule. (See keystroke
Each player other than the Ruler takes turns saying
a value for
. The Ruler enters that value and tells
the players the
value output.
Each player keeps a table of values as a record of
A player can guess the expression or rule only during
the player's turn.
Once a rule is guessed by a player, every player must
check if the rule is true for all values already played,
or challenge the rule by trying to find a value that
does not work.
If the guessed rule is shown to be incorrect by a
player or the Ruler, the player who guessed the rule
loses his or her next turn.
If the algebraic expression guessed by a player is not
in the same form as the expression entered by the
Ruler, for example, 2(
+1) and 2
+2, and all players
agree that the guessed expression is correct, the
Ruler reveals the expression on the calculator and
the player who guessed the rule must explain why
the two expressions are the same.
The first player to guess the rule correctly and
defend their rule wins.
The role of Ruler then rotates to another player for
the next round of play.
Name that rule! (Continued)
³ To play again:
1. Clear the old expression, pick the
next expression, and enter it:
o -z T q1 $ 2.
2. Enter the desired table setup values,
highlight OK, and press <.
Notice that only 3 guesses show on
the screen. Students can overwrite a
number to see a new output.
³ Follow these steps:
1. Press p and set mode as shown.
2. Enter the function y = 2x + 5:
- o 2 z T 5 <.
Note: If a function is already
entered on the y= screen, press
- before entering a new
3. Enter table setup values: $ $ "
< $ <.
4. Enter x-values: 5 < 6 < 10
³ Hint: To enter more values, highlight
any of the three lines in the x column,
enter the number, and press <.
5. To review the y= screen, press
o. You will have to cycle
through the setup screen again to
see the table of values.