User Manual

When you calculate an entry on the Home screen, depending
upon space, the answer is displayed either directly to the right
of the entry or on the right side of the next line.
Special indicators and cursors may display on the screen to
provide additional information concerning functions or results.
Indicator Definition
2ND 2nd function.
FIX Fixed-decimal setting. (See Mode
SCI, ENG Scientific or engineering notation.
(See Mode section.)
Angle mode (degrees, radians, or
gradians). (See Mode section.)
L1, L2, L3 Displays above the lists in data
H, B, O Indicates HEX, BIN, or OCT
number-base mode. No indicator
displayed for default DEC mode.
The calculator is performing an
5 6 An entry is stored in memory before
and/or after the active screen. Press
# and $ to scroll.
³´ An entry or menu displays beyond
16 digits. Press ! or " to scroll.
Normal cursor. Shows where the
next item you type will appear.
Entry-limit cursor. No additional
characters can be entered.
Placeholder box for empty
MathPrint™ element. Use arrow
keys to move into the box.