User Manual

H is a multi-tap key that cycles through the following
%† displays a menu with the following options:
! A factorial is the product of the positive integers
from 1 to n. n must be a positive whole number
{ 69.
nCr Calculates the number of possible combinations
of n items taken r at a time, given n and r. The order
of objects is not important, as in a hand of cards.
nPr Calculates the number of possible permutations of
n items taken r at a time, given n and r. The order of
objects is important, as in a race.
rand Generates a random real number between 0 and
1. To control a sequence of random numbers,
store an integer (seed value) | 0 to rand. The
seed value changes randomly every time a
random number is generated.
randint( Generates a random integer between 2 integers,
A and B, where A { randint { B. Separate the 2
integers with a comma.
! 4 H <
nCr 52 HH 5