User Manual

Complex numbers
The calculator performs the following complex number
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Argument and absolute value calculations
Reciprocal, square, and cube calculations
Complex Conjugate number calculations
Setting the complex format:
Set the calculator to DEC mode when computing with
complex numbers.
q $ $ $ Selects the REAL menu. Use ! ando" to
scroll with in the REAL menu to highlight the desired complex
results format a+bi, or r±q, and press <.
REAL a+bi, or r±q set the format of complex number results.
a+bi rectangular complex results
r±q polar complex results
Complex results are not displayed unless complex
numbers are entered.
To access i on the keypad, use the multi-tap key g.
Variables x, y, z, t, a, b, c, and d are real or complex.
Complex numbers can be stored.
Complex numbers are not allowed in data, matrix, vector,
and some other input areas.
For conj(, real(, and imag(, the argument can be in either
rectangular or polar form. The output for conj( is
determined by the mode setting.
The output for real( and imag( are real numbers.
Set mode to DEG or RAD depending on the angle
measure needed.