User Manual

Chapter 12: Programming
7312ENG.DOC CH 12 Programming, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 12:17 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:02
AM Page 222 of 32
The 8 I/O Menu ........................................................... 241
Input 8 " 1......................................................... 242
Prompt 8 " 2 ..................................................... 244
Disp 8 " 3........................................................... 244
DispGraph 8 " 4 ................................................ 245
DispTable 8 " 5 ................................................. 245
Output( 8 " 6 .................................................... 245
getKey 8 " 7 ...................................................... 246
ClrScreen and ClrTable 8 " 8 and 9.................. 247
GetCalc( 8 " 0.................................................... 247
Get( and Send( 8 " A and B.............................. 247
Editing Program Commands............................................. 248
Inserting, Deleting, and Editing Command Lines ..... 249
Copying and Renaming a Program............................ 249
Calling a Program from Another Program................ 250
Executing a Program......................................................... 251
Breaking Out of a Program........................................ 252
Debugging a Program ...................................................... 252