User Manual

TIN73 Table of Contents
7300ENG.DOC TI-73: Table of Contents, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 05/04/98 4:48 PM Printed: 05/19/99 8:58
AM Page iv of 4
Chapter 6: Statistical Plots 107
Steps for Defining a Stat Plot ................................... 108
Defining Statistical Data in Lists ............................... 109
Deselecting Y
Functions .......................................... 109
Defining a Stat Plot ................................................... 109
Selecting Stat Plot Types ........................................... 111
Defining Stat Plot Options........................................ 112
Adjusting Window Values and Format .................... 114
Displaying the Stat Plot............................................. 114
Stat Plot Examples ..................................................... 114
Chapter 7: Statistical Analyses 127
The - v MATH Menu........................................ 128
The - v CALC Menu.......................................... 133
Chapter 8: Tables 149
What Is a Table? ........................................................ 150
Steps for Creating a Table ........................................ 151
Defining and Selecting Functions in the
Y= Editor &........................................................ 152
Setting Up the Table - f ............................ 153
Displaying the Table - i............................... 154
Table Setup from the Home Screen ......................... 161
Chapter 9: Function Graphing 163
Steps for Graphing a Function.................................. 164
Example of Function Graphing................................. 165
Defining Functions in the Y= Editor & ................. 167
Selecting a Graph Style ............................................. 169
Setting the Window Format - g................ 171
Defining Window Values .......................................... 173
Displaying a Graph *....................................... 177
Adjusting Window Values with
the ( ZOOM Menu ........................................ 181
The ( MEMORY Menu........................................ 185
Chapter 10: Drawing 187
The 2 DRAW Menu ............................................. 188
The 2 POINTS Menu............................................ 201
The 2 STO Menu ................................................. 206