User Manual

Chapter 1: Operating the TIN73
7301ENG.DOC CH1 Operating the TI-73, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 11:55 AM Printed: 05/19/99
8:58 AM Page 3 of 24
Preparing to Use Your
Before using your TIN73, you must install the batteries, turn on
the calculator, and adjust the contrast. You may reset (clear)
the calculator memory and defaults, if desired.
Installing the AAA BatteriesInstalling the AAA Batteries
Install four AAA batteries in the battery compartment on the
back of the calculator. Arrange the batteries according to the
polarity (+ and -) diagram in the battery compartment. For
more information about installing batteries, see Appendix C:
BatteryàService and Warranty Information.
Turning the Turning the
On and Off On and Off
To turn on the TIN73, press ^.
To turn off the TIN73 manually,
press the yellow - key and
then press ^ (indicated in this
book as - ).
When you press - , all settings and memory contents are
retained by Constant Memoryè. Any error condition is
cleared. To prolong battery life, the APDè (Automatic Power
Down) feature turns the TIN73 off automatically after a few
minutes without any activity.
When you turn on the calculator:
The Home screen is displayed if you previously turned off
the calculator by pressing - . It appears as it did
when you last used it; all errors are cleared.
 or 
The calculator displays the last screen (including the
display, cursor, and any errors) that was displayed before
Automatic Power Down turned off the calculator.