User Manual

Chapter 6: Sequence Graphing 106
If each term in the sequence is defined in relation to the term that precedes the previous term,
as in
u(nN2), you must specify initial values for the first two terms. Enter the initial values as a
list enclosed in brackets { } with commas separating the values.
The value of the first term is 0 and the value of the second term is 1 for the sequence u(n).
Setting Window Variables
To display the window variables, press p. These variables define the viewing window. The
values below are defaults for Seq graphing in both Radian and Degree angle modes.
nMin must be an integer | 0. nMax, PlotStart, and PlotStep must be integers | 1.
nMin is the smallest n value to evaluate. nMin also is displayed in the sequence Y= editor. nMax is
the largest
n value to evaluate. Sequences are evaluated at u(nMin), u(nMin+1), u(nMin+2), ... ,
PlotStart is the first term to be plotted. PlotStart=1 begins plotting on the first term in the sequence.
If you want plotting to begin with the fifth term in a sequence, for example, set
PlotStart=5. The first
four terms are evaluated but are not plotted on the graph.
PlotStep is the incremental n value for graphing only. PlotStep does not affect sequence
evaluation; it only designates which points are plotted on the graph. If you specify
PlotStep=2, the
sequence is evaluated at each consecutive integer, but it is plotted on the graph only at every
other integer.
Smallest n value to evaluate
Largest n value to evaluate
First term number to be plotted
Incremental n value (for graphing only)
Smallest X value to be displayed
Largest X value to be displayed
Spacing between the X tick marks
Smallest Y value to be displayed
Largest Y value to be displayed
Spacing between the Y tick marks