User Manual

Chapter 12: Statistics 192
Stat List Editor Contexts
View-Elements Context
In view-elements context, the entry line displays the list name, the current element’s place in that
list, and the full value of the current element, up to 12 characters at a time. An ellipsis (
...) indicates
that the element continues beyond 12 characters.
To page down the list six elements, press ƒ †. To page up six elements, press ƒ }. To
delete a list element, press {. Remaining elements shift up one row. To insert a new element,
press y 6.
0 is the default value for a new element.
Edit-Elements Context
In edit-elements context, the data displayed in the entry line depends on the previous context.
When you switch to edit-elements context from view-elements context, the full value of the
current element is displayed. You can edit the value of this element, and then press and }
to edit other list elements.
When you switch to edit-elements context from view-names context, the full values of all
elements in the list are displayed. An ellipsis indicates that list elements continue beyond the
screen. You can press ~ and | to edit any element in the list.
Note: In edit-elements context, you can attach a formula to a list name only if you switched to it
from view-names context.