User Manual

Chapter 12: Statistics 204
SinReg [iterations,Xlistname,Ylistname,period,regequ]
iterations is the maximum number of times the algorithm will iterate to find a solution. The value for
iterations can be an integer 1 and 16; if not specified, the default is 3. The algorithm may find a
solution before
iterations is reached. Typically, larger values for iterations result in longer execution
times and better accuracy for
SinReg, and vice versa.
period guess is optional. If you do not specify period, the difference between time values in
Xlistname must be equal and the time values must be ordered in ascending sequential order. If you
period, the algorithm may find a solution more quickly, or it may find a solution when it
would not have found one if you had omitted a value for
period. If you specify period, the differences
between time values in
Xlistname can be unequal.
Note: The output of SinReg is always in radians, regardless of the Radian/Degree mode setting.
SinReg Example: Daylight Hours in Alaska for One Year
Compute the regression model for the number of hours of daylight in Alaska during one year.
With noisy data, you will achieve better convergence results when you specify an accurate
estimate for
period. You can obtain a period guess in either of two ways.
1 period