User Manual

Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 239
Inferential Statistics Input Descriptions
The tables in this section describe the inferential statistics inputs discussed in this chapter. You
enter values for these inputs in the inferential stat editors. The tables present the inputs in the
same order that they appear in this chapter.
Input Description
Hypothesized value of the population mean that you are testing.
The known population standard deviation; must be a real number
> 0.
List The name of the list containing the data you are testing.
Freq The name of the list containing the frequency values for the data
in List. Default=1. All elements must be integers
| 0.
Calculate/Draw Determines the type of output to generate for tests and intervals.
Calculate displays the output on the home screen. In tests, Draw
draws a graph of the results.
v, Sx, n
Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and sample size)
for the one-sample tests and intervals.
The known population standard deviation from the first population
for the two-sample tests and intervals. Must be a real number > 0.
The known population standard deviation from the second
population for the two-sample tests and intervals. Must be a real
number > 0.
List1, List2 The names of the lists containing the data you are testing for the
two-sample tests and intervals. Defaults are L1 and L2,
Freq1, Freq2 The names of the lists containing the frequencies for the data in
List1 and List2 for the two-sample tests and intervals.
Defaults=1. All elements must be integers
| 0.
v1, Sx1, n1, v2, Sx2, n2
Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and sample size)
for sample one and sample two in the two-sample tests and
Pooled Specifies whether variances are to be pooled for 2-SampTTest
and 2-SampTInt. No instructs the TI-84 Plus not to pool the
variances. Yes instructs the TI-84 Plus to pool the variances.
The expected sample proportion for 1-PropZTest. Must be a real
number, such that 0 < p
< 1.
x The count of successes in the sample for the 1-PropZTest and
1-PropZInt. Must be an integer
| 0.
n The count of observations in the sample for the 1-PropZTest and
1-PropZInt. Must be an integer > 0.
x1 The count of successes from sample one for the 2-PropZTest
and 2-PropZInt. Must be an integer
| 0.
x2 The count of successes from sample two for the 2-PropZTest
and 2-PropZInt. Must be an integer | 0.