User Manual

!dim( (assign dimension) 169
(- (degrees notation) 379
(- (negation) 30, 37, 381
(– (subtraction) 36, 381
(! (factorial) 379
(! Store 20, 375
(!dim( (assign dimension) 155, 358
(# (not equal to) 380
($( (square root) 36, 381
(%, (, + (pixel mark) 132, 210
(& (plot type, histogram) 209
(' (minutes notation) 60, 382
(( ) (parentheses) 29
() (plot type, normal probability) 210
()Int( (sum of interest) 363
()Prn( (sum of principal) 368
(* (multiplication) 36, 381
(* (plot type, modified box) 209
(*f(x)dx operation on a graph 90
(*row( 160, 371
(*row+( 371
(+ (addition) 36, 381
(+ (concatenation) 270, 381
(+ (pixel mark) 132, 210
(+ (plot type, box) 209
(/ (division) 36, 381
(/ (inverse) 380
(: (colon) 278
(< (less than) 62, 380
(= (equal-to relational test) 62, 380
(> (greater than) 62, 380
([ ] (matrix indicator) 148
(^ (power) 36, 380, 381
({ (less than or equal to) 380
(| (greater than or equal to) 62, 380
(² (square) 36, 380
(³ (cube) 39, 380
(³$( (cube root) 39, 380
(“ ” (string indicator) 267
(4Dec (to decimal conversion) 39, 357
(4DMS (to degrees/minutes/seconds) 61, 358
(4Eff( (to effective interest rate) 261
(4Frac (to fraction) 39, 360
(4Nom( (to nominal interest rate) 261, 366
(4Polar (to polar) 56, 368
(4Rect (to rectangular) 56, 371
(χ²pdf( (chi-square pdf) 244
(χ²-Test (chi-square test) 233, 234, 245
(ΔTbl (table step variable) 116
(ΔX window variable 74
(ΔY window variable 74
(Fcdf( 245
(Fpdf( 245
/ (inverse) 37
{ } (list indicator) 163
10^( (power of ten) 381
1-PropZInt (one-proportion z confidence interval)
232, 369
1-PropZTest (one-proportion z test) 227, 369
1-Var Stats (one-variable statistics) 200, 377
2-PropZInt (two-proportion z confidence interval)
232, 369
2-PropZTest (two-proportion z test) 228, 369
2-SampFTest (two-sample F-Test) 235, 372
2-SampTInt (two-sample t confidence interval) 231,
2-SampTTest (two-sample t test) 226, 373
2-SampZInt (two-sample z confidence interval) 230,
2-SampZTest (two-sample z test) 225, 372
2-Var Stats (two-variable statistics) 200, 377
a+bi (rectangular complex mode) 17, 50, 355
about 326
above graph style 71
abs( (absolute value) 46, 55, 152, 354
accuracy information
computational and graphing 398
function limits and results 399
graphing 78
addition (+) 36, 381
alpha cursor 8
alpha-lock 14
alternative hypothesis 219
)Int( (sum of interest) 363
)Prn( (sum of principal) 368
bal( (amortization balance) 258, 355
calculating schedules 258
formula 389
and (Boolean operator) 63, 354
ANGLE menu 59
angle modes 16
angle( 55, 354
animate graph style 71
ANOVA( (one-way variance analysis) 238, 354, 385
Ans (last answer) 24, 329, 354
APD (Automatic Power Down) 3
applications See examples, applications 36
Apps 20, 328
AppVars 20, 328
arccosine (cos/( ) 36
Archive 21, 330, 354
archive full error 343, 394
garbage collection 340
memory error 340
archived variables 383
arcsine (sin/( ) 36
arctangent (tan/( ) 36
Asm( 294, 354
AsmComp( 294, 354
AsmPrgm( 294, 354
assembly language programs 294
augment( 157, 173, 354
Automatic Power Down (APD) 3