User Manual

automatic regression equation 196
automatic residual list (RESID) 195
axes format, sequence graphing 107
axes, displaying (AxesOn, AxesOff) 75, 355
AxesOff 75, 355
AxesOn 75, 355
backing up calculator memory 348, 351
bal( (amortization balance) 258, 355
batteries 4, 400
below graph style 71
binomcdf( 247, 355
binompdf( 246, 355
block 340
Boolean logic 63
box pixel mark (%) 132, 210
Boxplot plot type (+) 209
busy indicator 8
C/Y (compounding-periods-per-year variable) 253,
χ²cdf( (chi-square cdf) 355
χ²pdf( (chi-square pdf) 355
χ²-Test (chi-square test) 355
Calculate output option 218, 220
cash flow
calculating 257
formula 389
irr( (internal rate of return) 258, 363
npv( (net present value) 258, 367
CBL 2™ 293, 346, 361
CBR™ 293, 346, 361
check memory 326
checkTmr( (check timer) 355
Chi 234
chi-square cdf (c²cdf( ) 245, 355
chi-square goodness of fit test 234
chi-square pdf (c²pdf( ) 244, 355
chi-square test (c²-Test) 233, 234, 355
Circle( (draw circle) 128, 355
Clear Entries 326, 356
all lists (ClrAllLists) 326, 356
drawing (ClrDraw) 123, 356
entries (Clear Entries) 326, 356
home screen (ClrHome) 292, 356
list (ClrList) 194, 356
table (ClrTable) 292, 356
Clock 9
Clock Off 11
Clock On 10
ClockOff, turn clock off 356
ClockOn, turn clock on 356
ClrAllLists (clear all lists) 326, 356
ClrDraw (clear drawing) 123, 356
ClrHome (clear home screen) 292, 356
ClrList (clear list) 194, 356
ClrTable (clear table) 292, 356
coefficients of determination (r2, R2) 196
colon separator (:) 278
combinations (nCr) 57, 366
compiling an assembly program 294, 354
modes (a+bi, re^qi) 17, 50, 355, 370
numbers 17, 50, 370
compounding-periods-per-year variable (C/Y) 253,
concatenation (+) 270, 381
confidence intervals 36, 220
conj( (conjugate) 54, 356
Connected (plotting mode) 17, 356
connecting two calculators 346, 349
contrast (display) 4
convergence, sequence graphing 110
4Dec (to decimal) 39, 357
4DMS (to degrees/minutes/ seconds) 61, 358
4Eff (to effective interest rate) 261
4F3 4D 50
4Frac (to fraction conversion) 39, 360
4n/d3 4Un/d 49
4Nom (to nominal interest rate conversion) 261,
4Polar (to polar conversion) 56, 368
4Rect (to rectangular conversion) 56, 371
Equ4String( (equation-to-string conversion) 270,
List4matr( (list-to-matrix conversion) 158, 173,
Matr4list( (matrix-to-list conversion) 157, 174, 365
P4Rx(, P4Ry( (polar-to-rectangular conversion) 61,
R4Pr(, R4Pq( (rectangular-to-polar conversion) 372
R4Pr(, R4Pθ( (rectangular-to-polar conversion) 61
String4Equ( (string-to-equation conversion) 271,
convert time, timeCnv( ) 376
CoordOff 75, 356
CoordOn 75, 356
correlation coefficient (r) 196
cos( (cosine) 36, 356
cos/( (arccosine) 36, 356
cosh( (hyperbolic cosine) 273, 356
cosh/( (hyperbolic arccosine) 273, 356
cosine (cos( ) 36
cosine (cos( ) 356
cross pixel mark (+) 132, 210
cube (³) 39, 380
cube root (³$( ) 39
cube root (³$( ) 380
cubic regression (CubicReg) 201, 356
CubicReg (cubic regression) 201, 356
cumSum( (cumulative sum) 158, 170, 357
cumulative sum (cumSum( ) 158, 170
cumulative sum (cumSum( ) 357
cursors 8, 14