User Manual

CALC (calculate operations on a graph) 101
defining and displaying 98
equations 98
free-moving cursor 100
graph format 99
graph styles 98
mode (Pol/Polar) 16, 98, 368
moving the cursor to a value 100
selecting and deselecting 98
tracing 100
window variables 99
Y= editor 98
ZOOM operations 101
PolarGC (polar graphing coordinates) 75, 368
pooled option 218, 220
power (^) 36, 380, 381
power of ten (10^( ) 37
power of ten (10^( ) 381
present value 253, 256
previous entry (Last Entry) 22
prgm (program name) 287, 368
PRGM CTL (program control menu) 281
PRGM EDIT menu 280
PRGM EXEC menu 280
PRGM NEW menu 277
probability 56
probability density function (normalpdf( ) 242
probability density function (normalpdf( ) 366
prod( (product) 176, 368
copying and renaming 280
creating new 277
defined 276
deleting 277
deleting command lines 280
editing 279
entering command lines 278
executing 279
inserting command lines 280
instructions 281
name (prgm) 287, 368
renaming 280
running assembly language program 294
stopping 279
subroutines 293
Prompt 290, 369
Pt-Change( 132, 369
Pt-Off( 132, 369
Pt-On( 131, 369
PV (present value variable) 253, 263
p-value 240
PwrReg (power regression) 203, 369
Pxl-Change( 133, 369
Pxl-Off( 133, 369
Pxl-On( 133, 369
pxl-Test( 133, 369
QuadReg (quadratic regression) 201, 370
QuartReg (quartic regression) 202, 370
Quick Zoom 80
Quit 338, 351
r (correlation coefficient) 196
R (radian notation) 61, 379
r2, R2 (coefficients of determination) 196
R4Pr(, R4Pq( (rectangular-to-polar conversions) 372
R4Pr(, R4Pθ( (rectangular-to-polar conversions) 61
Radian angle mode 16, 61, 370
radian notation (R) 61, 379
rand (random number) 57, 370
randBin( (random binomial) 59, 370
randInt( (random integer) 58, 370
randIntNoRep( 59
randM( (random matrix) 157, 370
randNorm( (random Normal) 58, 370
random seed 57
RCL (recall) 21
re^qi (polar complex mode) 370
re^θi (polar complex mode) 17, 50
Real mode 17, 370
real( (real part) 54, 370
RecallGDB 136, 370
RecallPic 135, 370
rectangular form, complex numbers 52
RectGC (rectangular graphing coordinates) 75, 371
recursive sequences 105
re-enabling a disabled calculator 392
ref( (row-echelon form) 159, 371
RegEQ (regression equation variable) 196, 329
regression model
automatic regression equation 196
automatic residual list feature 195
diagnostics display mode 196
models 200
relational operations 62, 153
remainder( 49
Removing a Faceplate 9
Repeat 284, 371
all memory 336
archive memory 335
defaults 334
memory 334
RAM memory 334
residual list (RESID) 195
Return 287, 371
root (x$) 40, 379
root of a function 88
round( 47, 152, 371
row+( 371
rowSwap( 159, 371
rref( (reduced-row-echelon form) 159, 372
Sci (scientific notation mode) 15, 373
scientific notation 12