User Manual

ZInterval (one-sample z confidence interval) 229
Z-Test (one-sample z test) 223
STAT TESTS menu 221
STAT WIZARDS 1, 198, 199
statistical distribution functions See distribution
statistical plotting 208
Boxplot (regular box plot) 209
defining 210
from a program 212
Histogram 209
ModBoxplot (modified box plot) 209
NormProbPlot (normal probability plot) 210
tracing 212
turning on/off stat plots 70, 212
viewing window 212
xyLine 208
statistical variables table 206
Stats input option 218, 219
stdDev( (standard deviation) 176, 375
Stop 287, 375
Store (!) 20, 375
StoreGDB 135, 375
StorePic 134, 375
graph databases (GDBs) 135
graph pictures 134
variable values 20
String4Equ( (string-to-equation conversions) 271, 375
concatenation (+) 270, 381
converting 270
defined 267
displaying contents 269
entering 267
functions in CATALOG 269
indicator (”) 267
length (length( ) 271
length (length( ) 364
storing 268
variables 268
student-t distribution
probability (tcdf( ) 244
probability (tcdf( ) 375
student-t distribution
probability density function (tpdf( ) 243
probability density function (tpdf( ) 376
sub( (substring) 272, 375
subroutines 287
subtraction (–) 36, 381
sum( (summation) 176, 375
system variables 383
T (transpose matrix) 155, 379
TABLE SETUP screen 116
description 118
variables 116, 117
tan( (tangent) 36, 375
tan/( (arctangent) 36, 375
tangent (tan( ) 36
tangent (tan( ) 375
tangent lines, drawing 126
Tangent( (draw line) 126, 375
tanh( (hyperbolic tangent) 273, 375
tanh/( (hyperbolic arctangent) 273, 375
TblStart (table start variable) 116
tcdf( (student-t distribution probability) 244, 375
TEST (relational menu) 62
TEST LOGIC (Boolean menu) 63
instruction 129, 142, 376
placing on a graph 129, 142
Then 282, 362
thick graph style 71
TI Connect™ 346
TI-84 Plus
key code diagram 292
keyboard 1
Time axes format 107, 376
time value of money (TVM)
C/Y variable (number of compounding periods
per year)
calculating 255
formulas 387
FV variable (future value) 263
I% variable (annual interest rate) 263
N variable (number of payment periods) 263
P/Y variable (number of payment periods per
PMT variable (payment amount) 263
PV variable (present value) 263
TVM Solver 253
tvm_FV (future value) 257, 376
tvm_I% (interest rate) 376
tvm_I% (interest rate) 256
tvm_N (# payment periods) 256, 376
tvm_Pmt (payment amount) 256, 376
tvm_PV (present value) 256, 376
variables 262
timeCnv( ), convert time 376
TInterval (one-sample t confidence interval) 376
TInterval (one-sample t confidence interval) 229
tpdf( (student-t distribution probability density
243, 376
cursor 79
entering numbers during 79, 96, 100, 108
expression display 76, 79
Trace instruction in a program 80, 376
error conditions 352
from a TI-83 351
from a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition or TI-83 Plus 351
from a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 351
stopping 348
to a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 348
transpose matrix (T) 155, 379
trigonometric functions 36
T-Test (one-sample t test) 224, 376