User Manual

turn clock off, ClockOff 356
turn clock on, ClockOn 356
turning on and off
axes 75
calculator 3
coordinates 75
expressions 76
functions 70
grid 75
labels 76
points 131
stat plots 70, 212
tvm_FV (future value) 257, 376
tvm_I% (interest rate) 376
tvm_I% (interest rate) 256
tvm_N (# payment periods) 256, 376
tvm_Pmt (payment amount) 256, 376
tvm_PV (present value) 256, 376
two-proportion z confidence interval (2-PropZInt)
232, 369
two-proportion z test (2-PropZTest) 228, 369
two-sample F-Test formula 385
two-sample t test formula 386
two-variable statistics (2-Var Stats) 200, 377
u sequence function 103
Un/d 18, 50
UnArchive 21, 330, 377
ungrouping 336
user variables 383
uv/uvAxes (axes format) 107, 377
uw/uwAxes (axes format) 107, 377
v sequence function 103
value operation on a graph 87
complex 19
displaying and storing values 21
equation solver 43
graph databases 19
graph pictures 19
independent/dependent 118
list 19, 162
matrix 19, 145
real 19
recalling values 21
solver editor 43
statistical 206
string 268
test and interval output 240
types 19
user and system 20, 383
VARS and Y-VARS menus 27
variance of a list (variance( ) 176
variance of a list (variance( ) 377
variance( (variance of a list) 176, 377
VARS menu
GDB 27
Picture 27
Statistics 27
String 27
Table 27
Window 27
Zoom 27
Vertical (draw line) 125, 377
viewing window 73
vw/uvAxes (axes format) 107, 377
w sequence function 103
Web (axes format) 107, 377
web plots 109
While 283, 377
window variables
function graphing 73
parametric graphing 95
polar graphing 99
x$ (root) 379
XFact zoom factor 86
x-intercept of a root 88
xor (Boolean) exclusive or operator 63, 377
xth root (x$) 40
xyLine (() plot type 208
Y= editor
function graphing 68
parametric graphing 93
polar graphing 98
sequence graphing 103
YFact zoom factor 86
Y-VARS menu
Function 28
On/Off 28
Parametric 28
Polar 28
ZBox 81, 377
ZDecimal 82, 377
zero operation on a graph 88
ZInteger 83, 378
ZInterval (one-sample z confidence interval) 229, 378
zoom 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86
cursor 81
factors 86
function graphing 80
parametric graphing 96
polar graphing 101
sequence graphing 108
Zoom In (zoom in) 82, 378
ZOOM menu 80
Zoom Out (zoom out) 82, 378
ZoomFit (zoom to fit function) 83, 378