User Manual

Chapter 2: Math, Angle, and Test Operations 45
squares next to the previous solution and
leftNrt=diff disappear. Move the cursor to the variable for
which you now want to solve and press ƒ \.
Controlling the Solution for Solver or solve(
The TI-84 Plus solves equations through an iterative process. To control that process, enter
bounds that are relatively close to the solution and enter an initial guess within those bounds. This
will help to find a solution more quickly. Also, it will define which solution you want for equations
with multiple solutions.
Using solve( on the Home Screen or from a Program
The function
solve( is available only from CATALOG or from within a program. It returns a solution
(root) of
expression for variable, given an initial guess, and lower and upper bounds within which the
solution is sought. The default for
lower is L1â99. The default for upper is L1â99. solve( is valid only
for real numbers.
is assumed equal to zero. The value of variable will not be updated in memory. guess may
be a value or a list of two values. Values must be stored for every variable in
expression, except
variable, before expression is evaluated. lower and upper must be entered in list format.
MATH NUM (Number) Operations
To display the
MATH NUM menu, press  ~.
1: abs(
Absolute value
2: round(
3: iPart(
Integer part