User Manual

Chapter 2: Math, Angle, and Test Operations 58
! (factorial) returns the factorial of either an integer or a multiple of .5. For a list, it returns factorials
for each integer or multiple of .5.
value must be ‚ L.5 and 69.
Note: The factorial is computed recursively using the relationship (n+1)! = nn!, until n is reduced
to either 0 or
L1/2. At that point, the definition 0!=1 or the definition (L1à2)!=‡p is used to complete
the calculation. Hence:
n!=n(nN1)(nN2) ... 21, if n is an integer 0
n!= n(nN1)(nN2) ... 1à2…‡p, if n+1à2 is an integer 0
n! is an error, if neither n nor n+1à2 is an integer 0.
(The variable n equals
value in the syntax description above.)
randInt( (random integer) generates and displays a random integer within a range specified by
lower and upper integer bounds. To generate a list of random numbers, specify an integer > 1 for
numtrials (number of trials); if not specified, the default is 1.
randNorm( (random Normal) generates and displays a random real number from a specified
Normal distribution. Each generated value could be any real number, but most will be within the
interval [mN3(s), m+3(s)]. To generate a list of random numbers, specify an integer > 1 for
(number of trials); if not specified, the default is 1.