User Manual

Chapter 3: Function Graphing 89
The cursor is on the solution, and the coordinates are displayed, even if you have selected
CoordOff format; Minimum or Maximum is displayed in the bottom-left corner.
To move to the same x-value for other selected functions, press } or . To restore the free-
moving cursor, press | or ~.
intersect finds the coordinates of a point at which two or more functions intersect using solve(. The
intersection must appear on the display to use
To find an intersection, follow these steps.
1. Select 5:intersect from the CALCULATE menu. The current graph is displayed with
First curve? in the bottom-left corner.
2. Press or }, if necessary, to move the cursor to the first function, and then press Í.
Second curve? is displayed in the bottom-left corner.
3. Press or }, if necessary, to move the cursor to the second function, and then press Í.
4. Press ~ or | to move the cursor to the point that is your guess as to location of the
intersection, and then press
The cursor is on the solution and the coordinates are displayed, even if CoordOff format is
Intersection is displayed in the bottom-left corner. To restore the free-moving cursor,
press |, }, ~, or .
dy/dx (numerical derivative) finds the numerical derivative (slope) of a function at a point, with
To find a function’s slope at a point, follow these steps.
1. Select 6:dy/dx from the CALCULATE menu. The current graph is displayed.
2. Press } or to select the function for which you want to find the numerical derivative.
3. Press | or ~ (or enter a value) to select the X value at which to calculate the derivative, and
then press
The cursor is on the solution and the numerical derivative is displayed.
To move to the same x-value for other selected functions, press } or . To restore the free-
moving cursor, press | or ~.