User Guide

102 Error Messages
ERROR TYPE Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
NEST a function, such as seq( within expression for seq(.
INCREMENT The increment, step, in seq( is 0 or has the wrong sign. .
The TI-84PlusCE allows for undefined values on a graph.
The increment in a For( loop is 0.
INVALID You attempted to reference a variable or use a function
where it is not valid. For example, Yn cannot reference Y,
Xmin, @X, or TblStart.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a phase plot without
defining both equations of the phase plot.
In Seq mode, you attempted to graph a recursive sequence
without having input the correct number of initial
In Seq mode, you attempted to reference terms other than
(nN1) or (nN2).
You attempted to designate a graph style that is invalid
within the current graph mode.
You attempted to use Select( without having selected
(turned on) at least one xyLine or scatter plot.
The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if
you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the
stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off
the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y
, and then select 4:PlotsOff.
You specified a list dimension as something other than an
integer between 1 and 999.
You specified a matrix dimension as something other than
an integer between 1 and 99.
You attempted to invert a matrix that is not square.
ITERATIONS The solve( function or the equation solver has exceeded the
maximum number of permitted iterations. Examine a
graph of the function. If the equation has a solution,
change the bounds, or the initial guess, or both.
irr( has exceeded the maximum number of permitted
When computing æ, the maximum number of iterations
was exceeded.
LABEL The label in the Goto instruction is not defined with a Lbl
instruction in the program.
LINK L1 (or
any other
file) to
The calculator has been disabled for testing. To restore full
functionality, use TIConnect™ CE software to download a
file to your calculator from your computer, or transfer any
file to your calculator from another TI-84PlusCE.