User Manual

16 Keyboard Basics
After you select an item from a menu, the TI-84PlusCE typically displays
the previous screen.
If you do not see PASTE on the Catalog Help screen, press y5 until
you return to the home screen, then repeat your actions. If this happens, it
may mean the screens were layered and the previous screen did not have
an active cursor on an input line to accept the pasting of the function or
Leaving a Menu without Making a Selection
You can leave a menu without making a selection in these two ways.
Press y 5 to return to the home screen.
Press to return to the previous screen.
Using Menus
When you press a key or key combination to display a menu, one or more
menu names appear on the top line of the screen.
The menu name on the left side of the top line is highlighted. Up to nine
items in that menu are displayed, beginning with item 1.
A number or letter identifies each item’s place in the menu. The order is 1
through 9, then 0, then A, B, C. Once number and letter options are
exhausted, the item number or letter area will be blank. Select these items
using the arrow keys.
When the menu continues beyond the displayed items, a down arrow ($)
replaces the colon next to the last displayed item.
When a menu item ends in an ellipsis (...), the item displays a secondary
menu, editor, or wizard when you select it.
When an asterisk (ä) appears to the left of a menu item, that item is stored
in user data archive. Pic and Image Vars are always stored in archive
memory. You must move other files (displayed with an asterisk) from
archive to RAM in the MEM menu.