
ADC0801, ADC0802
ADC0803, ADC0804, ADC0805
Figure 53. Basic A/D Tester
For a higher speed test system, or to obtain plotted data, a digital-to-analog converter is needed for the test set-
up. An accurate 10-bit DAC can serve as the precision voltage source for the A/D. Errors of the A/D under test
can be expressed as either analog voltages or differences in 2 digital words.
A basic A/D tester that uses a DAC and provides the error as an analog output voltage is shown in Figure 52.
The 2 op amps can be eliminated if a lab DVM with a numerical subtraction feature is available to read the
difference voltage, "A–C", directly. The analog input voltage can be supplied by a low frequency ramp generator
and an X-Y plotter can be used to provide analog error (Y axis) versus analog input (X axis).
For operation with a microprocessor or a computer-based test system, it is more convenient to present the errors
digitally. This can be done with the circuit of Figure 55, where the output code transitions can be detected as the
10-bit DAC is incremented. This provides 14 LSB steps for the 8-bit A/D under test. If the results of this test are
automatically plotted with the analog input on the X axis and the error (in LSB’s) as the Y axis, a useful transfer
function of the A/D under test results. For acceptance testing, the plot is not necessary and the testing speed can
be increased by establishing internal limits on the allowed error for each code.
To dicuss the interface with 8080A and 6800 microprocessors, a common sample subroutine structure is used.
The microprocessor starts the A/D, reads and stores the results of 16 successive conversions, then returns to the
user’s program. The 16 data bytes are stored in 16 successive memory locations. All Data and Addresses will be
given in hexadecimal form. Software and hardware details are pro- vided separately for each type of
Interfacing 8080 Microprocessor Derivatives (8048, 8085)
This converter has been designed to directly interface with derivatives of the 8080 microprocessor. The A/D can
be mapped into memory space (using standard memory address decoding for CS and the MEMR and MEMW
strobes) or it can be controlled as an I/O device by using the I/O R and I/O W strobes and decoding the address
bits A0 A7 (or address bits A8 A15 as they will contain the same 8-bit address information) to obtain the
CS input. Using the I/O space provides 256 additional addresses and may allow a simpler 8-bit address decoder
but the data can only be input to the accumulator. To make use of the additional memory reference instructions,
the A/D should be mapped into memory space. An example of an A/D in I/O space is shown in Figure 56.
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Product Folder Links: ADC0801, ADC0802 ADC0803, ADC0804, ADC0805