Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
14 Overview of Calculator Operations
Calculations Using Constants
To store a constant for use in repetitive calculations, enter a
number and an operation, and then press & `.
To use the stored constant, key in a value and press N.
Note: Pressing a key other than a number or N clears the
Example: Multiply 3, 7, and 45 by 8
To Press Display
Clear the calculator &U
Enter the value for the first calculation.
3 3
Enter the operation and a constant value. <
Store the operation and value, and then
& `
Calculate 7 Q 8.
7 N
Compute 45 Q 8.
45 N
Keystrokes for Constant Calculations
This table shows how to create a constant for various operations.
To* Press**
Add c to each subsequent entry. n H & ` c N
Subtract c from each subsequent entry. n B & ` c N
Multiply each subsequent entry by c. n < & ` c N
Divide each subsequent entry by c. n 6 & ` c N
Raise each subsequent entry to the power of c. n ; & ` c N
Add c% of each subsequent entry to that entry. n H & ` c 2 N
Subtract c% of each subsequent entry from the
n B & ` c 2 N