
PVD and -V Termination
There are two modes for voltage termination depending
on the state of TM. For -V (TM = high), if V
lower than any previously measured value by 12mV
±3mV, fast charge is terminated. For PVD (TM = low or
mid), a decrease of 2.5mV ±2.5mV terminates fast
charge. The PVD and -V tests are valid in the range
Voltage Sampling
Voltage is sampled at the BAT pin for PVD and -V ter
mination once every 17s. The sample is an average of
voltage measurements taken 570µs apart. The IC takes
32 measurements in PVD mode and 16 measurements
in -V mode. The resulting sample periods (9.17 and
18.18ms, respectively) filter out harmonics centered
around 55 and 109Hz. This technique minimizes the ef
fect of any AC line ripple that may feed through the
power supply from either 50 or 60Hz AC sources. Toler
ance on all timing is ±20%.
Voltage Termination Hold-off
A hold-off period occurs at the start of fast charging.
During the hold-off time, the PVD and -V terminations
are disabled. This avoids premature termination on the
voltage spikes sometimes produced by older batteries
when fast-charge current is first applied. Maximum
voltage and temperature terminations are not affected
by the hold-off period.
Maximum Voltage, Temperature, and Time
Any time the voltage on the BAT pin exceeds the maxi
mum cell voltage,V
, fast charge or optional top-off
charge isterminated.
Maximum temperature termination occurs anytime the
voltage on the TS pin falls below the temperature cut-off
threshold V
Maximum charge time is configured using the TM pin.
Time settings are available for corresponding charge
rates of C/2, 1C, and 2C. Maximum time-out termina
tion is enforced on the fast-charge phase, then reset, and
enforced again on the top-off phase, if selected. There is
no time limit on the trickle-charge phase.
Top-off Charge
An optional top-off charge phase may be selected to
follow fast charge termination for 1C and C/2 rates.
This phase may be necessary on NiMH or other bat
tery chemistries that have a tendency to terminate
charge prior to reaching full capacity. With top-off en
abled, charging continues at a reduced rate after
fast-charge termination for a period of time selected
by the TM pin. (See Table 1.) During top-off, the CC
pin is modulated at a duty cycle of 286µs active for
every 4290µs inactive. This modulation results in an
average rate 1/16th that of the fast charge rate. Maxi
mum voltage, time, and temperature are the only ter
mination methods enabled during top-off.
Pulse-Trickle Charge
Pulse-trickle is used to compensate for self-discharge
while the battery is idle in the charger. The battery is
pulse-trickle charged by driving the CC pin active for a
period of 286µs for every 18.0ms of inactivity for 1C and
2C selections, and 286µs for every 8.86ms of inactivity
for C/2 selection. This results in a trickle rate of C/64
for the top-off enabled mode and C/32 otherwise.
TM Pin
The TM pin is a three-level pin used to select the
charge timer, top-off, voltage termination mode, trickle
rate, and voltage hold-off period options. Table 1 de
scribes the states selected by the TM pin. The mid-
level selection input is developed by a resistor di
vider between V
and ground that fixes the voltage
on TM at V
/2 ± 0.5V. See Figure 4.
Charge Status Indication
A fast charge in progress is uniquely indicated when the
pin goes low. The LED pin is driven to the high-Z
state for all conditions other than fast charge. Figure 2
outlines the state of the LED
pin during charge.
Charge Inhibit
Fast charge and top-off may be inhibited by using the
INH pin. When high, INH suspends all fast charge and
top-off activity and the internal charge timer. INH
freezes the current state of LED
until inhibit is re
moved. Temperature monitoring is not affected by the
INH pin. During charge inhibit, the bq2002/F continues
to pulse-trickle charge the battery per the TM selection.
When INH returns low, charge control and the charge
timer resume from the point where INH became active.
Low-Power Mode
The IC enters a low-power state when V
is driven
above the power-downthreshold(V
) where
= V
- (1V ±0.5V)
Both the CC pin and the LED
pin are driven to the
high-Z state. The operating current is reduced to less
than 1µA in this mode. When V
returns to a value
below V
, the IC pulse-trickle charges until the next
new charge cycle begins.