
Table Of Contents
SBS v1.1-Compliant Gas Gauge IC
Check for Samples: bq2060A
The bq2060A supports the smart battery data
(SBData) commands and charge-control functions. It
Provides Accurate Measurement of Available
communicates data using the system management
Charge in NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion, and Lead-Acid
bus (SMBus) 2-wire protocol or the Benchmarq 1-wire
HDQ16 protocol. The data available include the
remaining battery capacity, temperature, voltage,
Supports SBS Smart Battery Data
current, and remaining run-time predictions. The
Specification v1.1
bq2060A provides LED drivers and a pushbutton
Supports the 2-Wire SMBus v1.1 Interface With
input to depict remaining battery capacity from full to
PEC or 1-Wire HDQ16
empty in 20% or 25% increments with a 4- or
Reports Individual Cell Voltages
5-segment display.
Monitors and Provides Control to Charge and
The bq2060A works with an external EEPROM. The
Discharge FETs in Li-Ion Protection Circuit
EEPROM stores the configuration information for the
bq2060A, such as battery chemistry, self-discharge
Provides 15-Bit Resolution for Voltage,
rate, rate compensation factors, measurement
Temperature, and Current Measurements
calibration, and design voltage and capacity. The
Measures Charge Flow Using a V-to-F
bq2060A uses the programmable self-discharge rate
Converter With Offset of Less Than 16 µV After
and other compensation factors stored in the
EEPROM to accurately adjust remaining capacity for
Consumes Less Than 0.5 mW Operating
use and standby conditions based on time, rate, and
temperature. The bq2060A also automatically
Drives a 4- or 5-Segment LED Display for
calibrates or learns the true battery capacity in the
Remaining Capacity Indication
course of a discharge cycle from near-full to
28-Pin 150-Mil (3,8-mm) SSOP
near-empty levels.
The REG output regulates the operating voltage for
the bq2060A from the battery cell stack using an
The bq2060A SBS-compliant gas gauge IC for
external JFET.
battery pack or in-system installation maintains an
accurate record of available charge in rechargeable
batteries. The bq2060A monitors capacity and other
critical battery parameters for NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion, and
lead-acid chemistries. The bq2060A uses a
150-Mil (3,8-mm) SSOP
voltage-to-frequency converter with automatic offset
error correction for charge and discharge counting.
For voltage, temperature, and current reporting, the
bq2060A uses an A-to-D converter. The onboard
ADC also monitors individual cell voltages in a Li-ion
battery pack and allows the bq2060A to generate
control signals that may be used with a pack
supervisor to enhance pack safety.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Copyright © 20012011, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.

Summary of content (61 pages)