
4.0 Register Set (Continued)
4.1.3 Configuration Revision ID Register
This register stores the silicon revision number, revision number of software interface specification and lets the
configuration software know that it is an Ethernet controller in the class of network controllers.
Bit Bit Name Description
6 PERRSP Parity Error Response
When set, DP83815 will assert PERRN on the detection of a data parity error when acting as the target,
and will sample PERRN when acting as the initiator. Also, setting PERRSP allows SERREN to enable
the assertion of SERRN. When reset, all address and data parity errors are ignored and neither SERRN
nor PERRN are asserted.
5-3 Unused
(reads return 0)
2 BMEN Bus Master Enable
When set, DP83815 is allowed to act as a PCI bus master. When reset, DP83815 is prohibited from
acting as a PCI bus master.
1 MSEN Memory Space Address
When set, DP83815 responds to memory space accesses. When reset, DP83815 ignores memory
space accesses.
0 I/OSEN I/O Space Access
When set, DP83815 responds to I/O space accesses. When reset, DP83815 ignores I/O space
Tag: CFGRID Size: 32 bits Hard Reset: 02000000h
Offset: 08h Access: Read Only Soft Reset: Unchanged
Bit Bit Name Description
31-24 BASECL Base Class
Returns 02h which specifies a network controller.
23-16 SUBCL Sub Class
Returns 00h which specifies an Ethernet controller.
15-8 PROGIF Programming IF
Returns 00h which specifies the first release of the DP83815 Software Interface Specification.
7-0 REVID Silicon Revision
Returns 00h which specifies the silicon revision.