
4.0 Register Set (Continued)
4.3.2 Basic Mode Status Register
7 Collision Test Collision Test: Default: 0
1 = Collision test enabled
0 = Normal operation
When set, this bit will cause the COL signal to be asserted in response to the assertion of TXEN within
512-bit times. The COL signal will be de-asserted within 4-bit times in response to the de-assertion of
6:0 Reserved Reserved: Default: 0, RO
Tag: BMSR Size: 16 bits Hard Reset: 7849h
Offset: 0084h Access: Read Only
Bit Bit Name Description
15 100BASE-T4 100BASE-T4 Capable: Default: 0
0 = Device not able to perform 100BASE-T4 mode.
14 100BASE-TX
Full Duplex
100BASE-TX Full Duplex Capable: Default: 1
1 = Device able to perform 100BASE-TX in full duplex mode
13 100BASE-TX
Half Duplex
100BASE-TX Half Duplex Capable: Default: 1
1 = Device able to perform 100BASE-TX in half duplex mode.
12 10BASE-T
Full Duplex
10BASE-T Full Duplex Capable: Default: 1
1 = Device able to perform 10BASE-T in full duplex mode
11 10BASE-T
Half Duplex
10BASE-T Half Duplex Capable: Default: 1
1 = Device able to perform 10BASE-T in half duplex mode
10:7 Reserved Reserved: Write as 0, read as 0
6 Preamble
Preamble suppression Capable: Default: 1
1 = Device able to perform management transaction with preamble suppressed, 32-bits of preamble
needed only once after reset, invalid opcode or invalid turnaround.
0 = Normal management operation
5 Auto-
Auto-Negotiation Complete: Default: 0
1 = Auto-Negotiation process complete
0 = Auto-Negotiation process not complete
4 Remote Fault Remote Fault: Default: 0/L(H)
1 = Remote Fault condition detected (cleared on read or by reset). Fault criteria: Far End Fault Indication
or notification from Link Partner of Remote Fault.
0 = No remote fault condition detected
3 Auto-
Auto Configuration Ability: Default: 1
1 = Device is able to perform Auto-Negotiation
0 = Device is not able to perform Auto-Negotiation
2 Link Status Link Status: Default: 0/L(L)
1 = Valid link established (for either 10 or 100 Mb/s operation)
0 = Link not established
The criteria for link validity is implementation specific. The occurrence of a link failure condition will cause
the Link Status bit to clear. Once cleared, this bit may only be set by establishing a good link condition
and a read via the management interface.
1 Jabber Detect Jabber Detect: Default: 0/LH
1 = Jabber condition detected
0 = No Jabber
This bit is implemented with a latching function, such that the occurrence of a jabber condition causes it
to set until it is cleared by a read to this register by the management interface or by a reset.
This bit only has meaning in 10 Mb/s mode.
0 Extended
Extended Capability: Default: 1
1 = Extended register capabilities
0 = Basic register set capabilities only
Bit Bit Name Description