
+3.3V Programmable LVDS Transmitter 18-Bit Flat Panel Display Link-87.5 MHz
Check for Samples: DS90C365A
The DS90C365A is a pin to pin compatible
Pin-to-pin compatible to DS90C363,
replacement for DS90C363, DS90C363A and
DS90C363A and DS90C365
DS90C365. The DS90C365A has additional features
No special start-up sequence required
and improvements making it an ideal replacement for
between clock/data and /PD pins. Input signals
DS90C363, DS90C363A and DS90C365. family of
(clock and data) can be applied either before
LVDS Transmitters.
or after the device is powered.
The DS90C365A transmitter converts 21 bits of
Support Spread Spectrum Clocking up to
LVCMOS/LVTTL data into four LVDS (Low Voltage
100kHz frequency modulation & deviations of
Differential Signaling) data streams. A phase-locked
±2.5% center spread or -5% down spread.
transmit clock is transmitted in parallel with the data
streams over the fourth LVDS link. Every cycle of the
“Input Clock Detection” feature will pull all
transmit clock 21 bits RGB of input data are sampled
LVDS pairs to logic low when input clock is
and transmitted. At a transmit clock frequency of 87.5
missing and when /PD pin is logic high.
MHz, 21 bits of RGB data and 3 bits of LCD timing
18 to 87.5 MHz shift clock support
and control data (FPLINE, FPFRAME, DRDY) are
Tx power consumption < 146 mW (typ) at 87.5
transmitted at a rate of 612.5 Mbps per LVDS data
channel. Using a 87.5 MHz clock, the data throughput
MHz Grayscale
is 229.687 Mbytes/sec. This transmitter can be
Tx Power-down mode < 37 uW (typ)
programmed for Rising edge strobe or Falling edge
Supports VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA (dual pixel),
strobe through a dedicated pin. A Rising edge or
SXGA+ (dual pixel), UXGA (dual pixel).
Falling edge strobe transmitter will interoperate with a
Falling edge strobe FPDLink Receiver without any
Narrow bus reduces cable size and cost
translation logic.
Up to 1.785 Gbps throughput
This chipset is an ideal means to solve EMI and
Up to 223.125 Megabytes/sec bandwidth
cable size problems associated with wide, high-speed
345 mV (typ) swing LVDS devices for low EMI
TTL interfaces with added Spead Spectrum Clocking
PLL requires no external components
Compliant to TIA/EIA-644 LVDS standard
Low profile 48-lead TSSOP package
Block Diagram
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Summary of content (17 pages)