Camera Accessories User Manual

11 Flash Media Controller Programming Model
This section describes the internal PCI configuration registers used to program the PCI7x21/PCI7x11 flash media
controller interface. All registers are detailed in the same format: a brief description for each register is followed by
the register offset and a bit table describing the reset state for each register.
A bit description table, typically included when the register contains bits of more than one type or purpose, indicates
bit field names, a detailed field description, and field access tags which appear in the type column. Table 4−1
describes the field access tags.
The PCI7x21/PCI7x11 controller is a multifunction PCI device. The flash media controller core is integrated as PCI
function 3. The function 3 configuration header is compliant with the PCI Local Bus Specification as a standard
header. Table 11−1 illustrates the configuration header that includes both the predefined portion of the configuration
space and the user-definable registers.
Table 11−1. Function 3 Configuration Register Map
Device ID Vendor ID 00h
Status Command 04h
Class code Revision ID 08h
BIST Header type Latency timer Cache line size 0Ch
Flash media base address 10h
Reserved 14h−28h
Subsystem ID ‡ Subsystem vendor ID ‡ 2Ch
Reserved 30h
PCI power
capabilities pointer
Reserved 38h
Maximum latency Minimum grant Interrupt pin Interrupt line 3Ch
Reserved 40h
Power management capabilities Next item pointer Capability ID 44h
PM data
PMCSR_BSE Power management control and status ‡ 48h
Reserved General control ‡ 4Ch
Subsystem access 50h
Diagnostic ‡ 54h
Reserved 58h−FCh
One or more bits in this register are cleared only by the assertion of GRST