Operation Manual

Using the eZ430-Chronos Watch With a PC
2.3 Using the eZ430-Chronos Watch With a PC
1. The Control Center provides a variety of demos. A detailed description can be found in Section 3.3.
The following sections describe only how to use the eZ430-Chronos watch to control the mouse
pointer on the PC and to use it to control PowerPoint
presentation software.
Figure 2-4. eZ430-Chronos Control Center
2.3.1 Transmission of Acceleration Data and Button Pushes
1. Select "SimpliciTI Acc/PPT" tab.
2. Click on "Start Access Point" to start PC. The control center status line displays "Access point started.
Now start watch in ACC, PPT or synch mode" when the PC is ready
3. Select "ACC" mode in the bottom LCD line of the eZ430-Chronos watch and active the data
transmission by pressing the "DOWN" button. The watch connects to the PC (this may take a few
seconds) and starts transmitting 3-Axis acceleration values
4. Once connected, the Control Center status bar reports Receiving data from acceleration sensor and
the values according to the axis. The graphs display the acceleration data of the watch for each axis.
SLAU292DNovember 2009Revised March 2011 Getting Started
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