Operation Manual

eZ430-Chronos Sports Watch Software Heart Rate Mode - RF
Press "*" until the heart icon appears on the display that is heart rate mode is active (see Figure 3-1 for
details). When this mode is active, heart rate is shown and burned calories are determined (additional
settings must be made for first time use, see Section For information on how to use the chest
belt, see to the documentation included with the heart-rate monitor device.
NOTE: This mode requires a heart-rate monitor (chest belt) that is not included in this kit, but
available from BM innovations, Germany (see www.bm-innovations.com/chronos). However,
a heart rate can be simulated without a chest belt by the eZ430-Chronos Control Center, see
Section 3.3 for details.
While almost all other eZ430-Chronos functions are based on TI's SimpliciTI protocol, the
heart-rate monitoring uses BlueRobin, an ultra-low-power low-data-rate wireless
communication protocol from BM innovations.
Secondary function: Heart rate display on/off. Press "UP" to enable/disable the heart-rate monitoring.
Once a connection is established, the heart rate is shown on the top LCD line
Set function: None Speed Mode - RF
Press "*" until the "mi/h" or "km/h" icon is shown on the display; that is, the speed mode is active (see
Figure 3-1). Your running speed is shown on the LCD top line.
NOTE: This mode requires a heart-rate monitor (chest belt) which includes an accelerometer to
determine running speed. Visit BM innovations at www.bm-innovations.com/chronos for
available additions. However, speed can be simulated without a chest belt by the
eZ430-Chronos Control Center, see Section 3.3.4 for details.
While almost all other eZ430-Chronos functions are based on TI's SimpliciTI protocol, the
speed mode uses BlueRobin, an ultra-low-power low-data-rate wireless communication
protocol from BM innovations.
Secondary function: None
Set function: None Tilt Mode
Press "*" until the tilt mode is active (see Figure 3-1). The acceleration is shown in G (9.81 m/s
) for all
three axes. After entering the tilt mode, the y-axis acceleration is shown by default, and the z-axis or
x-axis can be selected. Positive acceleration values are marked with a small arrow pointing up in the top
LCD line, left of the acceleration. Negative acceleration values are marked with a small arrow pointing
down. After 60 minutes, a timeout deactivates the measurements.
Secondary function: Select axis. The default is y-axis, followed by z-axis and x-axis.
Set function: None
Additional accessory or eZ430-Chronos Control Center heart rate simulation required.
Additional accessory or eZ430-Chronos Control Center heart rate simulation required.
SLAU292DNovember 2009Revised March 2011 eZ430-Chronos Software
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