Operation Manual

eZ430-Chronos Software Projects
3.6.4 eZ430-Chronos Wireless Update Feature
The wireless update feature allows to perform a firmware update of the eZ430-Chronos watch wirelessly,
that is the watch does not need to be opened. The wireless updater should be seen as an application and
not as an universal BSL. It can only be invoked by the main application, which needs to be created in a
certain way (see Section In addition it may must be modified to comply local RF regulatory. The
current consumption during the update process may be significant. Considering the small battery capacity,
the updater is intended to be used only occasionally.
NOTE: References in the software projects and the menu items of the watch refer to it as "RF BSL"
and "WBSL" for simplicity reasons.
Whenever the wireless update is activated on the watch, it returns to the main application
with a reset, wether or not an update was performed. Time, data, alarm, and other
RAM-based data are lost. Overview and Components of the Wireless Update Feature
As described in Section 3.6.4, the wireless update feature allows wireless updates of the eZ430-Chronos
firmware. One of the requirements for the wireless update implementation is to use as little flash memory
as possible. Therefore, a lightweight radio protocol was developed, which resides in the BSL flash area of
the CC430. The software that handles the LCD progress information and the flash memory programming
is downloaded over the air and executed in RAM. Components of the wireless updater include:
Radio protocol in BSL memory area of the CC430 (eZ430-Chronos watch module)
The "RAM-based updater" contains LCD and flash write routines (transferred from PC to RAM of watch
Radio protocol stack of the wireless update on RF access point (CC1111)
PC application supporting the update functionality
The update procedure works as follows:
1. Wireless update functionality is activated in the PC application, after a valid flash image is selected
2. RF access point is ready and awaits a request from a watch
3. Wireless update is activated on the watch
4. Watch downloads LCD and flash write routines (RAM-based updater) from the PC into the RAM of the
CC430. The watch displays "rAN" (=RAM).
5. Watch executes the RAM-based updater. This starts the actual code (flash image) download process.
The LCD shows the progress.
6. A reset starts the new application on the watch when the update is finished.
The FAQ in Appendix A also list common questions on the wireless update feature. Detailed Description of the Wireless Update Feature
To invoke the wireless update procedure, the main application must call the start of the wireless updater,
which is located at address 0x1000. Therefore, the sports watch and data logger projects contain an extra
menu item called "rFbSL". When activated, it determines if the battery level of the watch is sufficient to
start a wireless update and then calls address 0x1000. At this time, the user application is no longer
NOTE: Whenever the wireless update is activated on the watch, it returns to the main application
with a reset, whether or not an update was performed. Time, data, alarm, and other
RAM-based data is lost.
After invoking the wireless update (rFbSL), the watch tries to link to a listening RF access point and start
the update procedure. If the link is successful, the watch downloads the RAM-based updater into the RAM
of the CC430. Once finished, this software then tries to link again with the RF access point to download
the actual update image. If this link is successful, a mass flash erase is performed, which erases all the
eZ430-Chronos Software SLAU292DNovember 2009Revised March 2011
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