Operation Manual

eZ430-Chronos Software Projects Upgrading Existing eZ430-Chronos Kits
Earlier eZ430-Chronos kits (production date prior to 04/2010; the production date may be found on bottom
of eZ430-Chronos box) do not support the wireless update feature. Therefore, the kits must be updated
manually. In addition to a new version of the PC software, firmware updates of the RF access point and
the eZ430-Chronos watch are required. RF Access Point Update
The CC Debugger is required to reprogram the CC1111 based RF access point. To perform the update,
the SmartRF Flash Programmer software is used to on the PC.
1. Solder a debug interface connector cable onto the CC1111 access point as shown in Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16. eZ430-Chronos RF Access Point Connection to CC Debugger
CC-Debugger RF Access Point
Pin 1 GND
Pin 2 Vcc
Pin 3 P2.2 (DC)
Pin 4 P2.1 (DD)
Pin 7 RST
Pin 9 Vcc
2. Connect RF access point to CC Debugger and press the "Reset". The LED on the CC Debugger
should become green.
3. Launch the SmartRF Programmer software
4. Open .hex file according to frequency in C:\Program Files\Texas
Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Recovery\RF Access Point
5. Select "Erase, program and verify"
6. Clock "Perform actions"
SLAU292DNovember 2009Revised March 2011 eZ430-Chronos Software
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