Operation Manual

eZ430-Chronos Software Projects
www.ti.com Using IAR Embedded Workbench
1. Launch the Embedded Workbench:Start > All Programs > IAR Systems > IAR Embedded Workbench
KickStart for MSP430 5.10 > IAR Embedded Workbench
2. Open eZ430-Chronos Workspace by: File > Open > Workspace...
3. Browse to eZ430-Chronos Projects (default directory: C:\Program Files\Texas
Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Software Projects\IAR\eZ430-Chronos Watch\Sports Watch or C:\Program
Files\Texas Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Software Projects\IAR\eZ430-Chronos Watch\Data Logger)
4. Select *.eww file and click Open
5. Select the right version of the project. Each project comes with four different project settings (build
configurations), which can be selected on top of the Workspace window:
915 MHz – Limited IAR KickStart (USA)
868 MHz – Limited IAR KickStart (Europe)
433 MHz – Limited IAR KickStart (Other regions)
915 MHz – Unrestricted IAR Workbench (USA)
868 MHz – Unrestricted IAR Workbench (Europe)
433 MHz – Unrestricted IAR Workbench (Other regions)
6. Go to Project > Download and Debug to launch the debugger
3.6.6 eZ430-Chronos GUI Sources
Full sources of the eZ430-Chronos Control Center and eZ430-Chronos Data Logger are available in the
eZ430-Chronos software packages for Windows SLAC341 and Linux SLAC388. The sources are copied
to the PC during the software installation. The graphical user interfaces are based on TCL/Tk. eZ430-Chronos GUI for Windows
The eZ430-Chronos PC software consists of a TCL/Tk executable and a DLL, which handles the
communication with the RF access Point. Download TCL/Tk for Windows for free from
http://www.activestate.com/activetcl. Once TCL/Tk was installed on the computer, a double-click on a TCL
script (*.tcl) starts the interpreter and executes the script. Alternatively, start the TCL interpreter wish.exe
and execute the script with the "source" command. If the script filename contains blanks, put it into quotes.
The sources files are located in C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Control Center\GUI
Sources TCL/TK Handling
A wrapping tool is needed to compile all TCL/Tk components into standalone applications. The freeware
tool Freewrap http://freewrap.sourceforge.net may be used for that purpose.
1. Open Command Prompt
2. Navigate to the Freewrap directory; for example, C:\Tcl\freewrap
3. Start Freewrap with the complete path to the TCL script to be wrapped; for example, freewrap.exe
C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\eZ430-Chronos\Control Center\eZ430-Chronos Control
Center\eZ430-Chronos CC 1_2.tcl
A standalone application, which only requires the corresponding Windows DLL is generated. It can be
used on every PC, TCL/Tk must not be installed.
eZ430-Chronos Software SLAU292DNovember 2009Revised March 2011
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