
HPC16003 Operating Modes
Because the HPC16003 has no on-chip ROM, it has only
one mode of operation, the Expanded ROMless Mode. The
EXM pin must be pulled high (logic ‘‘1’’) on power up, the
EA bit in the PSW register should be set to a ‘‘1’’. The
HPC16003 is a ROMless device and is intended for use with
external memory. The external memory may be any combi-
nation of ROM and RAM. Up to 64k bytes of external mem-
ory may be accessed. It is necessary to vector on reset to
an address between F000 and FFFF, therefore the user
should have external memory at these addresses. The EA
bit in the PSW register must immediately be set to ‘‘1’’ at the
beginning of the user’s program to disable illegal address
detection in the WATCHDOG logic.
TABLE II. HPC16003 Operating Modes
Operating EXM EA Memory
Mode Pin Bit Configuration
Expanded ROMless 1 1 0200:FFFF off-chip
Note: The on-chip RAM and Registers (0000:01FF) of the HPC16003 may
be accessed at all times.
FIGURE 15. Single-Chip Mode
FIGURE 16. 8-Bit External Memory