
3A Flyback Regulator with Shutdown
Check for Samples: LM2586
The LM2586 series of regulators are monolithic
Requires Few External Components
integrated circuits specifically designed for flyback,
Family of Standard Inductors and
step-up (boost), and forward converter applications.
The device is available in 4 different output voltage
NPN Output Switches 3.0A, Can Stand Off 65V
versions: 3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, and adjustable.
Wide Input Voltage Range: 4V to 40V
Requiring a minimum number of external
components, these regulators are cost effective, and
Adjustable Switching Frequency: 100 kHz to
simple to use. Included in the datasheet are typical
200 kHz
circuits of boost and flyback regulators. Also listed
External Shutdown Capability
are selector guides for diodes and capacitors and a
Draws Less Than 60 μA When Shut Down
family of standard inductors and flyback transformers
designed to work with these switching regulators.
Frequency Synchronization
Current-mode Operation for Improved
The power switch is a 3.0A NPN device that can
Transient Response, Line Regulation, and
stand-off 65V. Protecting the power switch are current
Current Limit and thermal limiting circuits, and an undervoltage
lockout circuit. This IC contains an adjustable
Internal Soft-start Function Reduces In-rush
frequency oscillator that can be programmed up to
Current During Start-up
200 kHz. The oscillator can also be synchronized with
Output Transistor Protected by Current Limit,
other devices, so that multiple devices can operate at
Under Voltage Lockout, and Thermal
the same switching frequency.
Other features include soft start mode to reduce in-
System Output Voltage Tolerance of ±4% Max
rush current during start up, and current mode control
Over Line and Load Conditions
for improved rejection of input voltage and output
load transients and cycle-by-cycle current limiting.
The device also has a shutdown pin, so that it can be
turned off externally. An output voltage tolerance of
Flyback Regulator
±4%, within specified input voltages and output load
Forward Converter
conditions, is ensured for the power supply system.
Multiple-output Regulator
Simple Boost Regulator
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PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
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Summary of content (38 pages)