
GPIO Commit
On a bit-wise basis, any bit set allows the corresponding GPIOAFSEL
bit to be set to its alternate function.
Note: The default register type for the GPIOCR register is RO for
all GPIO pins with the exception of the five JTAG/SWD pins
(PB7 and PC[3:0]). These five pins are currently the only
GPIOs that are protected by the GPIOCR register. Because
of this, the register type for GPIO Port B7 and GPIO Port
C[3:0] is R/W.
The default reset value for the GPIOCR register is
0x0000.00FF for all GPIO pins, with the exception of the five
JTAG/SWD pins (PB7 and PC[3:0]). To ensure that the
JTAG port is not accidentally programmed as a GPIO, these
five pins default to non-committable. Because of this, the
default reset value of GPIOCR for GPIO Port B is
0x0000.007F while the default reset value of GPIOCR for Port
C is 0x0000.00F0.
323June 18, 2012
Texas Instruments-Production Data
LM3S8962 Microcontroller
NRND: Not recommended for new designs.