User Manual

Catalog >
Returns a candidate numerical value of
variable Var where the local maximum of
Expr occurs.
If you supply lowBound and upBound, the
function looks in the closed interval
[lowBound,upBound] for the local
Catalog >
nfMin(Expr, Var) value
nfMin(Expr, Var, lowBound) value
nfMin(Expr, Var, lowBound, upBound)
nfMin(Expr, Var) |
lowBoundVarupBound value
Returns a candidate numerical value of
variable Var where the local minimum of
Expr occurs.
If you supply lowBound and upBound, the
function looks in the closed interval
[lowBound,upBound] for the local
Catalog >
nInt(Expr1, Var, Lower, Upper)
If the integrand Expr1 contains no variable
other than Var, and if Lower and Upper
are constants, positive , or negative ,
then nInt() returns an approximation of
(Expr1, Var, Lower, Upper). This
approximation is a weighted average of
some sample values of the integrand in the
interval Lower<Var<Upper.
The goal is six significant digits. The
adaptive algorithm terminates when it
seems likely that the goal has been
achieved, or when it seems unlikely that
additional samples will yield a worthwhile
Alphabetical Listing 101