User Manual

Catalog >
randPoly(Var, Order) expression
Returns a polynomial in Var of the
specified Order. The coefficients are
random integers in the range 9 through 9.
The leading coefficient will not be zero.
Order must be 0–99.
Catalog >
randSamp(List,#Trials[,noRepl]) list
Returns a list containing a random sample
of #Trials trials from List with an option
for sample replacement (noRepl=0), or no
sample replacement (noRepl=1). The
default is with sample replacement.
Catalog >
RandSeed Number
If Number = 0, sets the seeds to the factory
defaults for the random-number generator.
If Number 0, it is used to generate two
seeds, which are stored in system variables
seed1 andseed2.
Catalog >
real(Value1) value
Returns the real part of the argument.
real(List1) list
Returns the real parts of all elements.
real(Matrix1) matrix
Returns the real parts of all elements.
Alphabetical Listing 121