User Manual

Catalog >
seqGen(Expr, Var, depVar, {Var0,
VarMax}[, ListOfInitTerms
[, VarStep[, CeilingValue]]]) list
Generates a list of terms for sequence
depVar(Var)=Expr as follows: Increments
independent variable Var from Var0
through VarMax by VarStep, evaluates
depVar(Var) for corresponding values of
Var using the Expr formula and
ListOfInitTerms, and returns the results as
a list.
seqGen(ListOrSystemOfExpr, Var,
ListOfDepVars, {Var0, VarMax} [
, MatrixOfInitTerms[, VarStep[,
CeilingValue]]]) matrix
Generates a matrix of terms for a system
(or list) of sequences ListOfDepVars(Var)
=ListOrSystemOfExpr as follows:
Increments independent variable Var from
Var0 through VarMax by VarStep,
evaluates ListOfDepVars(Var) for
corresponding values of Var using
ListOrSystemOfExpr formula and
MatrixOfInitTerms, and returns the results
as a matrix.
The original contents of Var are unchanged
after seqGen() is completed.
The default value for VarStep = 1.
Generate the first 5 terms of the sequence u
(n) = u(n-1)
/2, with u(1)=2 andVarStep=1.
Example inwhichVar0=2:
System of two sequences:
Note: The Void(_) in the initialterm matrix
above is usedto indicate thatthe initial term
for u1(n) is calculated using the explicit
sequence formula u1(n)=1/n.
Catalog >
seqn(Expr(u, n[, ListOfInitTerms[, nMax[,
CeilingValue]]]) list
Generates a list of terms for a sequence u
(n)=Expr(u, n) as follows: Increments n
from 1 through nMax by 1, evaluates u(n)
for corresponding values of n using the
Expr(u, n) formula and ListOfInitTerms,
and returns the results as a list.
seqn(Expr(n[, nMax[, CeilingValue]])
Generate the first 6 terms of the sequence u
(n) = u(n-1)/2, withu(1)=2.
Alphabetical Listing 135