User Manual

144 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
SortA List1[, List2] [, List3]...
SortA Vector1[, Vector2] [, Vector3]...
Sorts the elements of the first argument in
ascending order.
If you include additional arguments, sorts
the elements of each so that their new
positions match the new positions of the
elements in the first argument.
All arguments must be names of lists or
vectors. All arguments must have equal
Empty (void) elements within the first
argument move to the bottom. For more
information on empty elements, see page
Catalog >
SortD List1[, List2][, List3]...
SortD Vector1[,Vector2][,Vector3]...
Identical to SortA, except SortD sorts the
elements in descending order.
Empty (void) elements within the first
argument move to the bottom. For more
information on empty elements, see page
Catalog >
Note: You can insert this operator from the
computer keyboard by typing @>Sphere.
Displays the row or column vector in
spherical form [ρθφ].
Vector must be of dimension 3 and can be
either a row or a column vector.