User Manual

Catalog >
subMat(Matrix1[, startRow][, startCol][,
endRow][, endCol]) matrix
Returns the specified submatrix of Matrix1.
Defaults: startRow=1, startCol=1,
endRow=last row, endCol=last column.
Sum (Sigma)
See Σ(), page 186.
Catalog >
sum(List[, Start[, End]]) expression
Returns the sum of all elements in List.
Start and End are optional. They specify a
range of elements.
Any void argument produces a void result.
Empty (void) elements in List are ignored.
For more information on empty elements,
see page 196.
sum(Matrix1[, Start[, End]]) matrix
Returns a row vector containing the sums
of all elements in the columns in Matrix1.
Start and End are optional. They specify a
range of rows.
Any void argument produces a void result.
Empty (void) elements in Matrix1 are
ignored. For more information on empty
elements, see page 196.
Catalog >
sumIf(List,Criteria[, SumList]) value
Returns the accumulated sum of all
elements in List that meet the specified
Criteria. Optionally, you can specify an
alternate list, sumList, to supply the
elements to accumulate.
Alphabetical Listing 149