User Manual

Catalog >
avgRC(Expr1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
avgRC(Expr1, Var [=Value] [, List1])
avgRC(List1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
avgRC(Matrix1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
Returns the forward-difference quotient
(average rate of change).
Expr1 can be a user-defined function name
(see Func).
When Value is specified, it overrides any
prior variable assignment or any current “|
substitution for the variable.
Step is the step value. If Step is omitted, it
defaults to 0.001.
Note that the similar function centralDiff()
uses the central-difference quotient.
Catalog >
bal(NPmt,N,I,PV ,[Pmt], [FV], [PpY],
[CpY], [PmtAt], [roundValue]) value
bal(NPmt,amortTable) value
Amortization function that calculates
schedule balance after a specified payment.
N, I, PV, Pmt, FV, PpY, CpY, and PmtAt
are described in the table of TVM
arguments, page 161.
NPmt specifies the payment number after
which you want the data calculated.
N, I, PV, Pmt, FV, PpY, CpY, and PmtAt
are described in the table of TVM
arguments, page 161.
Alphabetical Listing 15