User Manual

192 Symbols
Catalog >
10^(squareMatrix1) squareMatrix
Returns 10 raised to the power of
squareMatrix1. This is not the same as
calculating 10 raised to the power of each
element. For information about the
calculation method, refer to cos().
squareMatrix1 must be diagonalizable. The
result always contains floating-point
^¹ (reciprocal)
Catalog >
Value1 ^¹ value
List1 ^¹ list
Returns the reciprocal of the argument.
For a list, returns the reciprocals of the
elements in List1.
squareMatrix1 ^¹ squareMatrix
Returns the inverse of squareMatrix1.
squareMatrix1 must be a non-singular
square matrix.
| (constraint operator)
/k keys
Expr | BooleanExpr1[and
Expr | BooleanExpr1[orBooleanExpr2]...
The constraint (“|”) symbol serves as a
binary operator. The operand to the left of |
is an expression. The operand to the right of
| specifies one or more relations that are
intended to affect the simplification of the
expression. Multiple relations after | must
be joined by logical and or or operators.
The constraint operator provides three basic
types of functionality:
Interval constraints