User Manual

198 Shortcuts for Entering Math Expressions
Shortcuts for Entering Math Expressions
Shortcuts let you enter elements of math expressions by typing instead of using the
Catalog or Symbol Palette. For example, to enter the expression 6, you can type sqrt
(6) on the entry line. When you press ·, the expression sqrt(6) is changed to
6. Some shortcuts are useful from both the handheld and the computer keyboard.
Others are useful primarily from the computer keyboard.
From the Handheld or Computer Keyboard
To enter this: Type this shortcut:
π pi
θ theta
(logical implication) =>
(logical double implication, XNOR) <=>
(store operator) =:
|| (absolute value) abs(...)
() sqrt(...)
Σ() (Sum template) sumSeq(...)
Π() (Product template) prodSeq(...)
sin¹(), cos¹(), ... arcsin(...), arccos(...), ...
ΔList() deltaList(...)
From the Computer Keyboard
To enter this: Type this shortcut:
i (imaginary constant) @i
e (natural log base e) @e
E (scientific notation) @E
(transpose) @t