User Manual

208 Error Codes and Messages
1000 Window variables domain
1010 Zoom
1020 Internal error
1030 Protected memory violation
1040 Unsupportedfunction. This function requires Computer Algebra System. Try TI-Nspire™
1045 Unsupportedoperator. This operator requires Computer Algebra System. Try TI-Nspire™
1050 Unsupportedfeature. This operator requires Computer Algebra System. Try TI-Nspire™
1060 Input argumentmust be numeric. Only inputs containing numeric values are allowed.
1070 Trig function argument too big for accurate reduction
1080 Unsupporteduse of Ans.This application does not support Ans.
1090 Function is not defined. Use one of the following commands:
to define a function.
1100 Non-real calculation
For example, if the software is in the Real setting, (-1) is invalid.
To allow complex results, change the “Real or Complex Mode Setting to RECTANGULAR or
1110 Invalid bounds
1120 No sign change
1130 Argument cannot be a list or matrix
1140 Argument error
The first argument must be a polynomial expression inthe secondargument. If the second
argument is omitted, the software attempts to selecta default.
1150 Argument error
The first two arguments must be polynomial expressions in the third argument. If the third
argument is omitted, the software attempts to selecta default.
1160 Invalid library pathname